At bags ETC./ DOMO your peace of mind is our peace of mind so we want to make sure your privacy is protected whilst on our website.
All payment details are hosted by your bank or other payment provider and we do not store any information about your payment and payment method.
Your physical address, telephone number and email are used to dispatch your goods and confirm delivery and order details. The details will not be supplied to any third parties and if you so choose when you register, we will not contact you regarding any promotions or offers, only your order and reply to enquiries.
By using our website and ordering goods we treat this as consent to use the information you supplied for the above purposes.
For your privacy and security we only use cookies* to store information that you accept our terms and conditions and this privacy policy. Also certain third party cookies will be present on our site such as to track statistics on pages visited, browsing time and so forth.
Your own web browser will provide security setting options where you can choose to allow or not cookies. However, if you do not have cookies at all, it may make certain internet activity more time consuming.
We recommend not leaving private information on the screen of a computer in a public place such as an internet cafe or if a machine is not attended by yourself.
*A cookie is a data file stored on your own computer or internet device that contains information and details relating to a website you have visited.